Saturday, July 22, 2017

Mother Asks Son to Ejaculate on a Jar Because of This Unbelievable Reason! FIND OUT HERE!

Cancer is an extreme condition that leads to death if untreated. There are different types of cancer and one of them is bone cancer, which refers to tumors affecting the primal structure of the body. 

According to the website of NHS, bone cancers usually affect the legs or the upper arms of an individual. 

The main symptoms are the following: Experiencing constant bone pain, having bone inflammation and swelling, feeling a noticeable lump in the bone, and having a bone that’s unusually fragile or breaks easily (read: fracture). 

The News Journal reported the story of a man who was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was just a kid. According to the source, he is Jason Kotas. In 1995, doctors told him he has the condition. 

A tumor the size of a baseball was found in his upper back area and medical professionals suggested he needed to undergo several surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy for over a year. 

Mother Asks Son to Ejaculate on a Jar Because of This Unbelievable Reason! FIND OUT HERE!

That’s not all – they also disclosed to his mother that the treatments might leave him sterile. That means he could possibly have no children in the future with anyone else, no matter how fertile the woman might have been. 


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