Movile Cove, located in the south-east of Romania is called most isolated ecosystem on the planet. It has been discovered in the year 1896. The place has been isolated for 5.5 million years without light, but it is crawling with creatures nobody has seen before.
It has been closed for decades as the air inside is not safe to humans. The oxygen level is 10% lower and without any breathing device, it will not take long until you develop a headache and eventually suffocate. There is also a very huge amount of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. You kidneys will react negatively within 5-6 hours of staying below.
Getting inside the cave with no light is in itself a challenge, but carrying your gear is a struggle and a danger itself. Only less than a hundred people have been inside it. Aside from the poisonous air, it is extremely humid inside and the gear that you have to wear will not help in making you feel more confortable.
Only people with special permission are allowed to enter the cave.
Despite of the cave’s unique property which is not that suitable for most creatures outside, they have found 48 different species in the dark space. There are spiders, water scorpions, centipedes, leeches, and isopods. Majority of them couldn’t see and does not have pigment. 33 among the species inside can only be found inside the cave.
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