Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mark This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

The sea waters are indeed the scariest part of the world. It may be a good sight to look at but then, you really have no idea with what's under you every time you swim. It sure is fun to swim at the beach and surf with the huge waves but when you realize that there are creatures from the smallest to the biggest? It would probably be a big NO to swim there!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

Now, there's this 16-year-old boy named Sam Kahizay who had the most horrifying beach experience after he ended up in the hospital while enjoying a day at the beach.

After a tiring day of non-stop football practice, this man walked into the beach and dipped his feet into the water. But when he walked out of the beach, he noticed that his feet were already covered in sand, forcing him to return to the water to wash off the sand.

However, after a few minutes, he went out of the water, feeling refreshed... until he noticed that there's already a non-stop bleeding into his feet.

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!


This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

The 'leg munchers' in Melbourne were described as the sea lice but when you take a closer look at the microscope, they look something different. Marine biologist Genefor Walker-Smith found out that the teen was the lunch f these crustaceans called amphipods!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

This teen dips his feet into the water but ends up getting a bloodied feet after the flesh-eating bugs fed on his feet!

Because of what had happened to him, the locals are now afraid to go swimming into the water but then, Sam is quite different because he stated that he would still take dips and has no plans on avoiding the water.


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